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Natures Beauty Creations

Natures Beauty Creations ( ) manufactures and markets personal care products and ensures its products are developed with utmost care for the environment, with many initiatives implemented across biodiversity conservation, sustainable sourcing, waste management and sustainability awareness. NBS also possesses a medicinal plant arboretum around their production facility which is probably Sri Lanka’s largest privately owned collection of medicinal plants for conservation and research, including endemic and critically endangered species, and they have a knowledgeable team of in-house specialists in this area. NBC is supporting WNPS PLANT with plants, saplings, and seedlings etc, and specialist input and added resources in pursuit of their objectives whilst also acting as an official Specialist Plant Nursery Partner for WNPS PLANT. The company hopes to provide thousands of plants for the reforestation initiative, both from its existing plant specie base, and through specific plants that they would nurture at the request of WNPS PLANT.

Natures Beauty Creations


Preserving Land and Nature (Guarantee) Ltd, or PLANT,  an initiative by the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society  of Sri Lanka, seeks to create uninterrupted or reasonably connected corridors of protected natural spaces and forest ecosystems, that safeguard Sri Lanka’s unique biodiversity.

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