PLANT hopes to both protect existing land assets and restore
ecosystems in different forms. PLANT never envisions owning massive chunks of land to cover this ambitious plan but rather playing an orchestrator role through a combination of approaches. We hope to spearhead the notion of Private Conservation in Sri Lanka by taking the lead and demonstrating its viability and importance.
Land Acquisition
PLANT will opt for one of the three routes below for land acquisition or protection, depending on the circumstances and the needs of donors, PLANT and the local context.
Raise funds and approach donors to help us acquire blocks of property directly. We believe in being as effective a land custodian as the state - if not better - and seek to block sensitive land parcels from future abuse. Funds would be sought to make purchases directly, or committed and generous donors could transfer land blocks to PLANT with the view of sustaining those as conservation areas into the perpetual future (eg. Through a Deed of transfer or a Will). This is important for us to have hands-on experience in managing locations, conducting research, and piloting different initiatives ourselves.
Partner-led approaches, where we enter into MOUs with individual landowners and estate owners who are dedicating sections of their property for conservation over long durations. PLANT will support the enhancement of these properties through biodiversity studies and funded reforestation work. Corporates including large estates can also come into agreements to create forest corridors within their lands or reforest sections of their properties as part of their sustainability initiatives. Supporting such partners to sustain and protect these lands and their boundaries is also part of the engagement.
Lease out state land for longer durations and jointly do reforestation work with corporates.
Reforestation and
Identified and protected lands can benefit from a range of support mechanisms to help reforest destroyed spaces within them, or - in other cases - help them regenerate naturally. By setting up a network of nurseries in different parts of the country, requesting donors for funding support, and tapping into the scientific experts we have working with us, we are able to provide the require infusions in different locations to gradually help bring back what was lost. In most cases we have reached early stages of many species returning to the newly created forest patches, which is quite exciting and encouraging.
Science and
Other Initiatives
PLANT locations provide a platform for a range of important services that help further conservation and science. Already donor funded camera traps are being installed in some locations to help further study the species. Universities and research groups are being facilitated within our properties, which have much easier researcher access compared to traditional state-owned nature reserves. Landowners and others can obtain advice related to Carbon emissions and offsets, and drive purpose led initiatives. Providing locations for species reintroduction and flora reintroduction is part of the science being pursued. Knowledge sharing on best practices around Small Patch Forest Reserve Management is envisioned in due course. The mental block around infusing private donor funds into other private lands (as opposed to state owned lands), has been broken and PLANT is moving rapidly along this philosophy.
Our Current Locations
Our approach towards Emerald Trails is a longer-term view, and over time we will have many sub projects which fit into this picture. Following would be the general approach.
Map out and look at partnering or acquiring any large estate blocks along the proposed corridor irrespective of them being commercially in use or abandoned etc. Most larger estates have some forest patches and tree lines, and those can be expanded too (Year 1-3). Leveraging our corporate networks will be key for this initiative.
Identify any reasonably sized individual land parcels along those routes (year 1-3) which have undisturbed forest plots or greenery, and look to acquire them - preferably directly, or through partners. This often require some ground analysis, study visits and tedious work for acquisitions, coupled with good legal engagement. We depend on the generosity of the donor community for this aspect. We will also build PLANT operational and monitoring capacity and hire staff to sustain these efforts.
Map out the arteries to connect these blocks and look at the strategy for linkage such as acquiring ad hoc blocks where needed, and connectivity strips etc. (year 3-5). This phase will envision more targeted acquisitions to fill in the gaps for mini-corridor creation.
Maintenance and Nurturing Stage (year 5-10). Bringing stability and more interconnection plus nurturing added forest cover and enriching the biodiversity of the corridors.
Phase Four Year ten onwards- Close the initial cycle of PLANT and strategize for the next two decades based on our first decade of operating experience. A much stronger and larger operating structure, akin to the current WNPS, is envisioned to be in operation by then.