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Jehan CanagaRetna

Immediate President of WNPS

Jehan is currently President of the WNPS, and previously played the critical role of Hon. General Secretary for several years.Jehan brings over 30 years of general management expertise with a strong emphasis on marketing and business development. Describing himself as a Conservation Administrator, Jehan is energetic, focused and driven. Adopting a common sense approach, Jehan has built strong business relationships and contacts locally as well as internationally. Jehan who joined the WNPS Committee in 2016 is a key driver for the Society in fundraising and working on ground level activity as well as serving on most Sub-Committees of the Society. Administratively strong, Jehan has been a key figure in bringing the relevant administrative disciplines to manage the society’s work in the last 5 years. He is also a Board Member of Greenpeace South Asia and serves as a Trustee of the Ceylon School for the Deaf and Blind (CSDB). He also consults with Rainforest Alliance (RA) overlooking the Country’s activity but does concentrate on the biodiversity conservation of the country’s tea landscape.

Jehan CanagaRetna
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