Olupattuduwa – Bolgoda, Kalutara
This 20 A land was the first private land donation towards PLANT, and a great example of how some individuals would be willing to set aside their lands for future generations rather than for money or their families.
This 20 A land was the first private land donation towards PLANT, and a great example of how some individuals would be willing to set aside their lands for future generations rather than for money or their families. Bordering the lake with typical mangrove habitat, the land provides vital access for many species to move freely between the water’s edge and inland locations and was added in September 2021. The PLANT team will be gradually restoring some of the ecosystem in times ahead. In a rapidly urbanizing region where waterfronts are coveted by one and all for commercial and recreational usage, this refuge and access corridor will be invaluable to species as time passes and landscapes change.
Mr. Seneviratne stated: “My late father and I both enjoyed lots of time alongside these waters, with the many fish, birds, and other creatures, and his desire and mine were always to see these areas better protected. Neither of us want to exploit these beautiful areas for economic gain, and we would rather sacrifice that opportunity and give our future generations a chance to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature. We must preserve these intricate ecosystems for them, and that social responsibility outweighs any monetary benefitI could reap from this location. Donating this gives me immense joy and I hope this donation will support the fantastic conservation work being carried out by WNPS PLANT, and inspire others to come forward, make more land donations, and join forces with them to restore the biodiversity of this beautiful island.”