Ambadandegame, Ella - Ravana’s Secret
"Ravana's Secret" is hidden in over 100 acres of neglected hillside tea and forested land surrounding the Upper Ravana Falls a few miles above Ella. The owners have been purposely allowing some of the land to go "back to nature", like a private reserve encouraging local flora and fauna.
"Ravana's Secret" is hidden in over 100 acres of neglected hillside tea and forested land surrounding the Upper Ravana Falls a few miles above Ella. The owners have been purposely allowing some of the land to go "back to nature", like a private reserve encouraging local flora and fauna. Ravana’s Secret is a haven for small numbers of nature loving tourists, with limited organic cultivation mainly to feed themselves and guests. WNPS joined hands in October 2022, to help accelerate and better conserve the ecosystem which provides a critical watershed for the Ravana Falls and the related ecosystem. Over 60 Acres of mixed grassland and forest covered mountain ranges comes under the PLANT coverage and the focus will be to protect and gradually enhance sections of the property for better plant diversity. Not all waterfalls and locations of natural beauty need the crowds and litter which accompany the touristic interests. Protection of these gateways ensures downstream lifegiving water for many plant and animal species alike, not to mention agricultural needs.